Wednesday, September 16, 2009 Commission Slammed Over Internet Medicines

According to

The Minister responsible for steering the Counterfeit Medicines Directive through the European Parliament has lashed out at the EU executive for failing to include online sales in the scope of the proposal.

Adamos Adamou (GUE/NGL, Cyprus) described the Internet as a "Trojan horse" in the medicines supply chain that the Commission has left the Parliament to deal with.

He said there were a number of flaws in the proposed directive, including the failure to provide a definition of counterfeit medicines and the omission of excipients such as the capsules used to package active ingredients.

Adamou said he had drafted amendments which would extend the scope of the directive to include over-the-counter medicines and to harmonize safety features on medicine packaging.

"Today, there is no guarantee of buying safe medicines. Counterfeit medicines are a form of terrorism against human health. It doesn't matter whether a pill contains sugar or poison. If the safety is compromised, so is our health," he said.

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