In an online story, written by Phil Taylor in Securing Pharma, the Chinese newspaper 21st Century Business Herald is reporting that an official with the SDFA, the Chinese State Food and Drug Administration has been arrested in connection with an investigation into the adulteration of rabies vaccine.
Wei Liang an official with SFDA's Drug Registration Department has been charged with taking nearly $145,000 in bribes.
The arrest is related to the adulteration and substitution of raw materials used in the manufacturing of thousands of doses of rabies vaccines at a vaccine manufacturing plant operated by Jiangsu Ealong Biotech Co.
According to SFDA officials the adulterated vaccines will not provide the appropriate protection against the disease but are unlikely to cause adverse effects.
SDFA’s have investigated another rabies vaccine-producing company - Hebei Bioforwell Co - but have to find any evidence of criminal activity.
The entire investigation was precipitated by the December 2009 discovery by the SFDA that more than 215,000 doses of rabies vaccine supplied by the Jiangsu Ealong Biotech and Hebei Bioforwell had quality problems.
The SDFA is concerned that some of the adulterated and sub-potent vaccine may still be in the Chinese supply chain.
This particular healthcare scandal apparently contains the gamut of premeditated fraud, raw material adulteration, medication quality control issues, official bribery and official corruption all at the expense of the health of the Chinese population.
The arrest is related to the adulteration and substitution of raw materials used in the manufacturing of thousands of doses of rabies vaccines at a vaccine manufacturing plant operated by Jiangsu Ealong Biotech Co.
According to SFDA officials the adulterated vaccines will not provide the appropriate protection against the disease but are unlikely to cause adverse effects.
SDFA’s have investigated another rabies vaccine-producing company - Hebei Bioforwell Co - but have to find any evidence of criminal activity.
The entire investigation was precipitated by the December 2009 discovery by the SFDA that more than 215,000 doses of rabies vaccine supplied by the Jiangsu Ealong Biotech and Hebei Bioforwell had quality problems.
The SDFA is concerned that some of the adulterated and sub-potent vaccine may still be in the Chinese supply chain.
This particular healthcare scandal apparently contains the gamut of premeditated fraud, raw material adulteration, medication quality control issues, official bribery and official corruption all at the expense of the health of the Chinese population.
This incident, much like the Heparin scandal that cost thousands of lives several years ago, should encourage all members of the pharmaceutical supply chain to authenticate and verify medications within their control to avoid liability, protect their business brand and make certain that the healthcare consumer is protected from potentially deadly consequences of fraudulent, adulterated or counterfeit drugs.
To learn more about authentication technologies, visit: www.xstreamsystems.net.
To read the Securing Pharma online story, visit: http://www.securingpharma.com/.
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