An April 30th Wall Street Journal article reports that the House Energy and Commerce Committee investigated and faulted the Food and Drug Administration for not pursuing “particular and plausible leads which could have fingered those responsible in China for playing a role in the contaminated heparin crisis two years ago.”
House members, Joe Barton (R-TX) and Mike Burgess (R-TX) sent a letter to the FDA in which they spelled out findings from the investigation, and said that the FDA has not pressed the government of China regarding Chinese companies involved.
Secure Pharma Chain Blog, recommends that all members of the supply chain protect their inventories and their brand by deploying authentication and material verification that will interdict issues with adulteration, fraud, counterfeit and improper manufacturing that threaten the efficacy of pharmaceuticals and the health of consumers downstream.
In the past several years, manufacturing concerns by foreign pharmaceutical companies have been discovered within the supply chain that could have been detected at various points of the supply chain by readily available material authentication solutions.
Secure Pharma Chain Blog, recommends that all members of the supply chain protect their inventories and their brand by deploying authentication and material verification that will interdict issues with adulteration, fraud, counterfeit and improper manufacturing that threaten the efficacy of pharmaceuticals and the health of consumers downstream.
In the past several years, manufacturing concerns by foreign pharmaceutical companies have been discovered within the supply chain that could have been detected at various points of the supply chain by readily available material authentication solutions.
To read the entire Wall Street Journal article, visit: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703572504575214420823549694.html
To learn more about material authentication solutions, visit: www.xstreamsystems.net.
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