Monday, August 3, 2009

Repeating the Dangerous Statistics of Counterfeit and Fraudulent Medications

In the past we have blogged on quite a few statistics and on these in particular. It seems reasonable and relevant to repeat some of these statistics as it relates to counterfeit, fraudulent and adulterated medications.

These statistics are taken from both the World Health Organization (WHO) and Peter Pitts who is the Director for Medicine in the Public Interest and are often quoted in presentations as it relates to this very dangerous subject. No industry thought leaders challenge these statistics:

  • Globally 10% of Pharmaceuticals are Counterfeit or Adulterated
  • $35 Billion in Sales of Counterfeit Drugs in 2006
  • $75 Billion in Sales of Counterfeit Drugs Projected by 2010
  • 12-16% Growth Expected Globally
  • 1-2% Pharmaceuticals in the United States are Counterfeit or Adulterated
  • With 3.4 Billion prescriptions (filled in 2008) in the United States
  • 34 Million of these prescriptions were estimated to be filled with counterfeit medications

Given these startling statistics, we at XStream encourage all within the global pharmaceutical supply chain to deploy and variety of solutions and technologies to protect the worldwide consumer. Specifically XStream believes that by screening the contents of the medications inside its sealed container and authenticating the product protects the manufacturer, distributor, provider and consumer. XStream’s XT250 utilizes EDXRD which allows the user to verify the contents of the medication without opening the container, destroying the product or degrading the material inside.

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