Officials fear toxic ingredient in Botox could become terrorist tool.
A recent Washington Post article chronicles a specific threat of counterfeit Botox being produced by organized criminal gangs and suspected ties to terrorist organizations.
The concern among many is that counterfeit medications could be used as a tool for terrorist organizations to have access to dangerous lethal material, have the ability to spread a toxic material to target consumers around the globe and be used as a profit making enterprise to fund their worldwide operations.
To view the Washington Post article, visit: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/01/24/AR2010012403013.html?hpid=topnews
To learn more about pharmaceutical anti-counterfeiting technologies, visit:
www. xstreamsystems.net.
1 comment:
It is extremely dangerous to use fake and counterfeit medicine that could be caused to death. It is necessary to take serious actions against them and put a ban on using the medicine.
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